Monday, April 25, 2011

Almost time for Round #2

I just plain forgot to post after Chemo #1.  My surgery went easily for my port placement.  Not much pain after, just a little sore.  I got my first chemo treatment on April 13th.  They got the needle right in on the port and started me on fluids and steroids.  Then came the A push.  Andriamycin.  It is red and is a ten minute hand push by the nurse into the IV.  You pee red for a day after!  Then she put me on the cyclophosphamide drip.  After that I was done.  There was one point where she flushed the line and I got a hit of Epiruben I think and it felt like ants were crawling all over me and biting.  Even "down there".  I was squirming!  Oh and I got something for nausea.  Didn't work, by dinner time I was hunched on the toilet using the puke bucket.  I was sick for 4 days after.  I have had assorted symptoms.  Nausea, bone pain, general aches and pains, brain fuzz, I started to feel great by day 9 and had all kinds of energy.  Wondering if it was a mania.  I crashed yesterday, got so angry and started crying.  Well, another dose on Wed and I think my hair will start going soon. 
Easter was nice at church and I'm glad for that.  Nice breakfast and nice group of people.  Really starting to feel like I belong.